Westside Health Center Opens July 2024!

By summer of 2024, Cabin Creek Health Systems is set to open its most comprehensive health center yet on Ohio Ave in the former Kroger/USPS building on the West Side.

The Westside Health Center (working title) will house 12 primary care rooms, 2 behavioral generalists, 1 psychiatric room, and 5 dental chairs. Its sliding scale care will allow patients without Medicaid to pay what they can afford based on their income. Additionally, its 340b pharmacy means affordable drugs will be available closeby, and its CARP program will be there for substance users in treatment.

Jake Van Horn, Cabin Creek’s community impact officer, is gathering input from locals in order to best personalize care as the neighborhood needs it.

“It could be ‘I work nine to five and get zero days off, and so I can’t get there. Or I don’t have a car, and I have to travel all the way across town to talk to someone about my respiratory health because the PCP I see down the street doesn’t do emphysema,” Van Horn said.

Tell Jake and Cabin Creek Health Systems staff how you want your care by visiting: CabinCreekHealth.com/westside.